Sunday, August 18, 2013

Time Of Reckoning Has Arrived, Time For Limits


By now you have decided that you have an eating problem and want to lose weight. You have also figured out that binge eating creates a slippery slope of never being full and gaining weight. In todays article it is now time to change your habits completely. 

The first thing you need to do is give up fast food. Not completely I will explain, but fast food has to be put on hold for 6 days. When I say to set limits I am talking about eating only 3 times a day: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. The whole point I mentioned above is that you don't have to give up fast food forever. Just create one day where you eat Fast food only once a week. What I liked to do is make Saturday the day I would eat Fast food only once that day at night. 

Why is it important to eat only 3 times a day? Good question because I have a good answer. When you eat only 3 times a day you train your stomach to only want to eat that many times a day. Try it for one week and you will notice that you will no longer want to eat snacks in between anymore. By eliminating snacks, and only eating 3 meals a day you will start to lose weight fast. At first it may be tough so if you do want to eat a snack eat something healthy like an apple or a Banana. 

Nobody is telling you to starve yourself. What you have to do is change how you eat. For example instead of buying white bread at the store, switch to eating whole wheat bread. Not only is whole wheat bread healthier, it fills up your stomach faster. Eat one sandwich with wheat bread and notice how you will not feel as hungry as when you eat one white bread sandwich only. Another example is cutting out fat foods, get rid of the frozen foods with a lot of fat, and saturated fats. With those you will never lose weight!

So you might ask me what can I eat if I work a lot and can't cook green beans, or spinach/rice etc.? Limit the food but eat organic foods. Buy organic almond butter or Peanut butter and put it on whole wheat bread. If you are still hungry after that add a banana. In the morning eat organic cereal with hardly any sugar in it, mix it with almond milk or Fat free milk. 

The whole point is to continue to eat 3 times a day and foods you like but substitute with non fat alternatives( or foods with low fat like 3 to 5% or less). When it comes to drinks, drink only water or low sugar fruit juices. Sodas need to go completely. About Diet no, Diet sodas have shown to make your stomach feel not full and cause you to eat more. Water only, some fruit juices with 1 to 2% juices is okay. 

It is hard at first yes, but if you try this change for one week (7 days) to 2 weeks (14 days) you will notice a difference right away. If you follow this and change your eating habits I know you will feel much better that you were able to change, also you will feel much better about yourself. This boost in confidence will allow you to continue this diet, and continue to lose weight. Next time I will discuss diet drinks, or weight loss products and why they should be avoided. Want to add a comment for me below don't hesitate to leave one!

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