Saturday, August 17, 2013

Change Your Mind To Allow For Weight Loss

Change Your Mindset

The first thing you need to do is change your thinking completely. Of course it is easier said than done, but you have to wake up to reality. If you continue to eat unhealthy put yourself in front 20 to 30 years from now. You may not live long enough to see your children's weddings, to be able to travel after retirement, or have time to live to your life to the fullest. 

Why allow food to overcome the best of you, and end your life early? As with many things the first step to solving your weight problem is admitting you have a problem. If you are able to do this that is the first step to change your thinking pattern. 

The mind is hard to overcome because you are in a battle against yourself with a very addictive difficult subject. But you do have control of your own body, and you can make the decision to turn your life around. Don't just say " Oh I have Diabetes so who cares" or " I'm too fat to change now" this kind of thinking limits what you can do. 

Remember negative feelings turn into more binge eating, you have to take the first step and say today is the day that I will change my eating habits, and turn around my life forever. Weight loss will not be easy, and anyone that tells you that is kidding themselves. Just know though that it is possible, and with a change in your mindset you can achieve it. This ends the first lesson of losing weight I will post the next article on the next step. For now figure out if you are ready not to die, and turn around your life forever. 

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