Saturday, August 20, 2016

Will Drinking Only Water Make You Lose Weight?

Drinking Only Water Does Help You Lose Weight

When you only drink water it is definitely possible to lose weight. Water is essential to your body, it is the main component you need to have in order to function. But how can only drinking water make you lose weight? I have experienced this phenomenon, I used to think that drinking diet sodas was the way. Truth be told, Diet sodas actually make your body retain weight. They don't help you lose weight. Even then you don't want to guzzle down sodas like crazy. That doesn't mean you have to stop entirely either. 

What you need to do is think of a plan and set the right frame of mind and stick to that plan. You know how teachers make plans for their classroom for the year? How Doctors know there schedule ahead of time? etc. All this planning allows teachers, doctors and many others to be successful. The same can be said about dieting and losing weight. In other words, do it the right way. 

What you need to do first of all is just drink water day in and day out. If you can do this for two weeks, try it, and you will see that you can shed at least 5 to 10 pounds immediately. That is because the first portion of weight in your body is water weight. But if you drink Soda, and other sugar drinks your body will retain that weight. Also sugar adds to your weight. That means no matter how much dieting you do in terms of reducing food intake, it will mean nothing if you consume soda. Try it for a few weeks and when you see it is working you can continue your plan. 

How do you drink only water and not go insane? That's easy really. Remember the plan I spoke about before? Set one day of the week, could be a Thursday, Saturday, don't matter the day, as long as its only once a week to drink a soda. I like to do it when I go to the movies there I will drink one large soda, and that keeps me satisfied for the whole week. The trick is to only drink soda once a week to keep yourself from having to go back full time on it. As long as you set your plan and stick to it you will be fine. 

The main thing that I always talk about is determination and recognition. First you have to have the determination to set your schedule and stick to it. Secondly, you have to must have admiration for yourself after a few weeks. When you see yourself lose the first 5 or 10 pounds it creates a "tumbling" effect. You see that losing weight is possible, therefore you want to lose even more. Try this plan out and see if it works for you. Nobody should be stuck in the sugary drink loop. Now is the time to take back your life and fix what you don't like about it. There is no time to complain about being overweight. Time to make a plan and stick to it. You will be surprised with the results.