Friday, March 6, 2015

Gym Time - Don't Overwork Yourself At The Gym

Don't Over Work Yourself At The Gym Otherwise You Will Hinder Schedule

The previous post talked about the importance of sticking to a gym schedule. While it is important to maintain your gym schedule its also important to set the right kind of goals. By that I mean you have to set a few days but make sure that you don't go overboard. For instance you want to go maybe 3 times a week to the gym or possibly 4 but leave yourself some days to rest a little bit. Rest is important because your body needs to recover. If you just spend everyday , every week at the gym then your body will eventually give out. This will lead to other problems that you don't want to deal with. Such problems are hurt muscles, tiredness, and the motivation of going to the gym will be gone. 

In addition to setting days to rest when you go the gym work hard of course but don't overdo it. In other words don't spend a few hours on one machine working one part of your body. Move around the gym to each machine working on reps then moving on the next one. This way you work all parts of your muscles and body and don't end up hurting yourself. For instance if you just go and work your chest the entire time at the gym you will start to feel soar afterwards. In addition limit the hours you are at the gym. Don't go into the gym and stay for like 3 hours without resting. Make a time you will go and stick with it. Say you will go about 3 times per week for one hour and a half each time as an example. 

Going to the gym is part of the solution to losing weight because it is said that building some muscles on your body helps you burn fat. Although as mentioned in previous posting in reality you also have to change the way you eat. If you can successfully build muscles and eat differently then you will see how much weight you can lose. Losing weight is a building process that takes time. You must start back with my first post which is to change your mentally before you can succeed. Admitting you have a weight problem and changing your mentally is the first most important step to losing weight. It is like the first step needed before you can advance to later stages. Understand that results won't come quickly but if you stick with your diet and gym schedule then know you will one day achieve success and feel better for it.