Sunday, April 5, 2015

Is A Personal Trainer Worth Your Time And Money?

Why A Personal Trainer Won't Help You Much At All

Many people ponder and wonder if a personal trainer worth the money and time? We are here to tell you to steer clear of personal trainers. Look its great that they are trying to make a living in the real world but a person wanting to lose weight doesn't need a personal trainer. 

For starters a personal trainer wants money and a lot of it. Some good personal trainers cost between $150 to $250 a month, quite possibly more. The first problem is that personal trainers will first probably make a schedule of what kind of foods you should eat. Lets break this down quickly. You don't need a personal trainer to tell you what foods you need to eat to lose weight. You as a person already know what you should and shouldn't be eating to lose weight. It's just a matter of overcoming your anxiety to eat junk foods and mindset. You don't need a personal trainer to tell you and even then your personal trainer doesn't come home with you so you may fall victim to eating junk foods anyways. 

So if not for changing your mind will a personal trainer help you lose weight? That's all up to you because you are the one who has to make the determination to go to the gym. Once again the personal trainer probably has many clients and they will not take the time to call you to see how you are doing? Like any other profession they are in it for the money most of the times. Now before anyone gets offended there are those few who love to help people as well just because but the majority do it for the money as a profession. Remember the money problem we mentioned above? Well you don't even get your moneys worth because that $150 or $250 a month may only get your 4 to 5 sessions (days) with each session lasting 30 to 40 mins maybe. As a person that goes to the gym you could probably do better by going more often then by working out with a personal trainer. 

Even in your sessions with a personal trainer many will say they are pushed to workout harder. Why do we need someone else to tell use how hard we can workout? If you are willing to lose that weight with serious determination you will find a way to workout harder. If not then it just means you are not that serious about losing the weight. As we have mentioned in previous articles its all about your thinking process and mindset. If you say " I will lose this weight" and believe what you are saying then you can easily do it. You don't need a personal trainer to babysit you to tell you this. 

What needs to be done is what I have written thus far in previous articles. First change your mindset on the way you eat, because that will be the first step to starting to lose weight. Instead of eating a doughnut or cinnamon roll for snacks maybe start eating banannas or apples. Secondly admit you have a problem and that you want to change. Without admitting you have a problem you can't hope to conquer it. Finally take the time and effort to go to the gym and workout on a certain schedule. But make sure to keep your schedule with the gym and not lose sight on the ultimate goal. Finally when you go the gym set yourself a goal. Say that you won't leave until you do 5 miles on the bike, 100 situps, etc. Make a list and force yourself to keep the same routine. With all this you can definitely achieve your goal of losing weight without the need for a personal trainer. A personal trainer is not worth your time or money. You as a "thinking" person can do much better than any personal trainer ever can. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Gym Time - Don't Overwork Yourself At The Gym

Don't Over Work Yourself At The Gym Otherwise You Will Hinder Schedule

The previous post talked about the importance of sticking to a gym schedule. While it is important to maintain your gym schedule its also important to set the right kind of goals. By that I mean you have to set a few days but make sure that you don't go overboard. For instance you want to go maybe 3 times a week to the gym or possibly 4 but leave yourself some days to rest a little bit. Rest is important because your body needs to recover. If you just spend everyday , every week at the gym then your body will eventually give out. This will lead to other problems that you don't want to deal with. Such problems are hurt muscles, tiredness, and the motivation of going to the gym will be gone. 

In addition to setting days to rest when you go the gym work hard of course but don't overdo it. In other words don't spend a few hours on one machine working one part of your body. Move around the gym to each machine working on reps then moving on the next one. This way you work all parts of your muscles and body and don't end up hurting yourself. For instance if you just go and work your chest the entire time at the gym you will start to feel soar afterwards. In addition limit the hours you are at the gym. Don't go into the gym and stay for like 3 hours without resting. Make a time you will go and stick with it. Say you will go about 3 times per week for one hour and a half each time as an example. 

Going to the gym is part of the solution to losing weight because it is said that building some muscles on your body helps you burn fat. Although as mentioned in previous posting in reality you also have to change the way you eat. If you can successfully build muscles and eat differently then you will see how much weight you can lose. Losing weight is a building process that takes time. You must start back with my first post which is to change your mentally before you can succeed. Admitting you have a weight problem and changing your mentally is the first most important step to losing weight. It is like the first step needed before you can advance to later stages. Understand that results won't come quickly but if you stick with your diet and gym schedule then know you will one day achieve success and feel better for it. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Gym Time - Make Sure To Stick To a Schedule

        Keep Your Gym Schedule The Same

There are many times When you say to yourself I am gonna stick to a gym schedule and then you end up not meeting that goal. This is where you continue to fall because you set yourself up with a schedule that you don't stick too. Why is this gym schedule so important? 

Well because it is the basis for burning your calories and fat off. As an example lets say you decide to go to the gym 3 times a week for one hour a day. Great, you set your schedule for the gym but then you only end up going 2 days for one hour a day. Why is this a problem? This creates a fallacy that I like to call the "slippery slope of time management" fallacy. What this means is that you say to yourself well I'm tired today and I'm not gonna go today but will go the other 2 days as I have stated. 

The problem with that is that it creates a slippery slope of time management. This is because missing one day becomes missing 2 days then ends up being missing the entire week without going to the gym. If you are serious about losing weight you are gonna have to stick to your schedule no matter what. Nobody said that losing weight would be easy, but if you really want it you have to be persistent with your schedule. 

Even if you do keep your schedule of going 3 times per week then you must keep your time set. So if you say you will go the gym for one hour each day that's what you must abide by. Just make sure you do what you really want to do. Write it down and then grab a calendar and mark down all those days and times you would like to go and stick with that. If you decide to go off tangent then you will start to see a decline in the amount of times you decide to go to the gym. Follow that simple rule and your gym days will feel like a goldmine for you.